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Contact Information
Pyramid Real Estate Consulting Network, LLC 5250 Valley Forge Dr Apt 805
United States

Professional Profile

I have been involved in the real estate industry for 35+ years, currently maintain General Appraisal Certifications in multiple jurisdictions, have the CCIM Designation, Board Officer (Current Past President) for the Mid-Atlantic Region for CCIM, and former Board Director for the Appraisal Institute - Washington, DC Chapter (2014-16).

Unlike typical appraisers, bankers, or general consultants my skill development comes from being a Realtor, developer, commercial loan officer/transactional lender (institutional & private), and an active investor.  This diversity provides an extensive understanding of unique, property challenges (environmental / special-use / stabilization issues); and advanced knowledge in the fields of valuations, construction/rehabilitation, development, litigation, financing, property stabilization, regulatory compliance, understanding of FF&E/Trade Fixtures, business enterprise (going concern) interests, and “fractured” asset resolution. 

Primary Experience/Services:  Review and Valuation Consulting of real estate, specialized business, environmentally impacted properties, and the development of non-silo departmental policy and procedure.  I have an extensive understanding of unique property specific challenges (environmental / stabilization issues / special use/business enterprise (going concern) / etc.).  

Through The Pyramid Network leading industry individuals and organizations are brought together to provide practical, boots-on-the ground solutions to ALL challenges facing your appraisal, environmental, and real estate operations. We are NOT an AMC. We identify all details present to develop a customized, regulatory compliant, global risk management solution for any challenge, with as much or little third-party support as needed/desired. One box does not fit all...  Your operation is unique; a balance between Corporate Character, Culture, and Goals.  

My greatest strength (besides absolute integrity) is the ability to develop the most efficient solution to any real estate problem/challenge.  This is accomplished by applying personal skills and experiences and making sure the right people, are in the right place, at the right time; then provide them with the systems, support, and management needed to accomplish their defined tasks.  



Professional Information


  • Appraisal/Valuation (Primary)

Market Sectors

  • Hospitality/Hotel
  • Industrial
  • Land
  • Medical Office
  • Multi-Family
  • Office
  • Retail
  • Self-Storage
  • Specialty


  • CCIM