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Contact Information
CRESCO Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 280613
United States

Professional Profile

In commercial real estate since 1978, and started in Denver with Coldwell Banker Commercial, which became CBRE. Established CRESCO Properties, Inc. in 1991.  CRESCO stands for "The Commercial Real Estate Solutions Company." 

Motto is "There IS a way", which applies to real estate situations.  

Have been very involved with Mile High Exchangors in Denver--which is our local commercial real estate "think tank" and the National Council Of Exchangors, which is a national organization with similar goals.

MHE members try to help each other make deals by recognizing the principles started by Richard Reno in the 1960's.  

Essentially, every piece of real property has characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.  We make it our objective to identify the benefits in ownership of any asset, and then find someone who will recognize those benefits and pay for them.  It is a fun subset of the commercial real estate business and helps our clients immensely.  

There are more than 300 ways to complete a transaction, and being aware of the many potential ways possible helps the client get the deal done--even in a very down market as well as in a very frothy market. Some of those solutions are on my website at

We also emphasize knowing the client--his or her objectives and limits--so that whatever solution works will be one that the client will probably find very acceptable.


Professional Information