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Contact Information
Realty Concepts, Inc. 11 Sugar Loaf Road
United States

Professional Profile

Mr. Gniazdowski is president of Realty Concepts, Inc. a Guilford Connecticut based International Real Estate Consulting and Advisory Group, which he founded in 1984. He has been in the real estate profession since 1973 as a broker, appraiser and consultant. He was Vice President and a consultant at Cushman & Wakefield prior to forming his own firm.

Mr. Gniazdowski has provided real estate consulting, appraisal, asset management, litigation support and development consulting to national and international corporations, developers, investors, retailers, governmental agencies, lenders and law firms. He specializes in investment analysis and structuring, development market analysis and impact analysis, litigation support, specialized appraisal work and asset management. His experience includes single assets in excess $100,000,000.

He holds the Counselor of Real Estate Designation “CRE” of which there are about 1,100 world-wide, the CCIM Institute “CCIM” designation and is a Senior Instructor for the CCIM international education courses. Stan is the recipient of the CI 102 (Market Analysis Course) Instructor of the year. He serves on committees for CCIM Institute including 2013 Education Chairman, University Alliance Committee, the Board of Directors of the CCIM Education Foundation, past CCIM Region 11 VP and CCIM Board of Directors and serves on the CCIM Tech Board. In April 2017 Mr. Gniazdowski was honored by the CCIM Education Foundation with named endowed scholarship. In 2007 Mr. Gniazdowski was awarded the FRICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) designation. For 25 years, he served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Real Estate at New York University and the recipient of the NYU "Award for Teaching Excellence". He recently has been appointed as an adjunct at the newly formed Fordham University master’s in real estate program and serves on the Real Estate Curriculum Advisory Committee. In 2019 Mr. Gniazdowski taught market analysis GIS workshops at Harvard University in its graduate urban economics and market analysis course. He has consulted internationally in Egypt, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Hungary and Ukraine. He lectures and trains internationally. Mr. Gniazdowski has served as President of the Connecticut CCIM and CRE chapters and is involved in other civic and private organizations. In 2008 Mr. Gniazdowski co-authored a book for the American Bar Association titled,” Redevelopment- Planning, Law and Project Implementation” a Guide for Practitioners”. In April 2017 Mr. Gniazdowski was honored by having an annual Endowed Educational Scholarship established in his name through the CCIM Education Foundation.


Professional Information


  • Consulting (Primary)
  • Corporate Real Estate (Secondary)

Market Sectors

  • Hospitality/Hotel
  • Industrial
  • Land
  • Medical Office
  • Mixed Use
  • Multi-Family
  • Office
  • Retail
  • Self-Storage
  • Specialty


  • CCIM
  • CRE